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Resources For Loved Ones
(National Alliance on Mental Illness)
NAMI provides FREE classes nationwide
(Click group name for more info.)
Family to Family: 8-week educational program for family and loved ones of someone with a mental illness
Peer to Peer Support Groups: 8-session program for those with a mental illness
Family and Friends: get tools to support a loved one with a mental illness
End the Silence: presentation in schools to educate and egage the audience to learn more about warning signs
NAMI Faithnet: an interfaith resource for clergy and congregations who wish to support the mental health community
NAMI Homefront: designed to address the unique needs of families, caregivers, and friends of those who have served and are currently serving in our nation's military
Broken People
Helpful Links​
Information on medications and their side affects
In-depth information
explaining mental
health diagnosis's
Important non-emergency numbers for mental health concerns. For all mental health emergencies dial 911
5 signs of self harm
Use the search field to locate a therapist near you.
There are just a ton of helpful resources and videos here about mental health
Email us!
A brief article providing a few tips to families when self-harm is a concern
An excellent app for your phone that includes short stories, music, articles, and mindfulness exercises.
Broken People
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